NOTICE: This page is intended to provide you with a quick view of system and network availability.

New: If you experience an outage that is outside of the standard maintenance period and is not listed below please report:
eServices - if you have problems withing the eServices system (but the system is available)
Los Rios Gmail - if you have problems within The Los Rios Gmail system (but the system is available)
Exchange, Online Grading System (OGS), or Employee Self Service (ESS) - if you have problems with Microsoft Exchange or Exchange Online (but the system is available)
Canvas - if you have problems within the Canvas system (but the system is available)
Complete Outage - if you cannot get to the Los Rios web pages or login pages (eServices, Los Rios Gmail, Exchange Online, Canvas, etc.) - a complete outage of the system

Service Bulletin – PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), Finance (FS), and Human Resources (HR).

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, staff will be unable to access Campus, Finance, and HR PeopleSoft systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Saturday, January 11th at 7:00am until completion, likely by 8pm on Saturday, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, January 12th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin – PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), Finance (FS), and Human Resources (HR).

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, staff will be unable to access Campus, Finance, and HR PeopleSoft systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Saturday, October 5th at 7:00am until completion, likely by 9pm on Saturday, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, October 6th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin – PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance


System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), and Human Resources (HR)

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, District Office staff will be unable to access Campus and HR systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Thursday night, July 11th at 11:30 pm until completion, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, July 14th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin – PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), and Campus Solutions (CS)

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, District Office staff will be unable to access the Campus systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Friday night, April 12th at 11:30 pm until completion, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, April 14th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin – PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: PeopleSoft Financials (FS)

Description: Work will be completed to update the tools supporting PeopleSoft Financials. During this time, staff will not be able to access PeopleSoft Financials ( Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas, PeopleSoft HR, and PeopleSoft CS will not be impacted by this work.

Users Impacted: All college and District Office staff will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Friday night, April 5th at 7:00 pm until completion, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, April 7th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin – PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), and Human Resources (HR)

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, District Office staff will be unable to access Campus and HR systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Friday night, March 15th at 11:30 pm until completion, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, March 17th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin for October 6-8th 2023

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), Financials (FS), and Human Resources (HR)

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, District Office staff will be unable to access Campus, Finance, and HR systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Friday night, October 6th at 11:30 pm until completion, but no later than 12:00 pm on Sunday, October 8th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin for July 7-9 2023

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), and Human Resources (HR)

Description: During this time, there will be no access to eServices. Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records. College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records. Additionally, District Office staff will be unable to access Campus and HR systems. This time is required to complete a full maintenance cycle. Please plan your work accordingly.

Note: Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Users Impacted: All Los Rios students and employees will be impacted.

Effective Date and Time: Thursday night, July 6th at 11:30 pm until completion, but no later than 2:00 pm on Sunday, July 9th.

Contact: DO Help Desk (

Service Desk Bulletin for Saturday March 18th 2023

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), and Human Resources (HR)

Description: PeopleSoft will be down for patching/maintenance. During this time, users will not be able to access eServices, ESS, CS, or HR. For example:
• Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records.
• College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records.

Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Students/Staff Impacted: All students, faculty, and staff.

Effective Date and Time: Friday night, March 17th, 2023 at 11:30 p.m. until completion, but no later than 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 19th.

Action Requested: If you are experiencing issues signing in to ESS or eServices following the maintenance, please clear your browser’s cache. Instructions on how to clear cache is available here.

Service Desk Bulletin for Saturday July 9th, 2022

SERVICE DESK BULLETIN: PeopleSoft Planned System Maintenance

System or Service Impacted: Student eServices, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Campus Solutions (CS), and Human Resources (HR)

Description: PeopleSoft will be down for quarterly patching/maintenance. During this time, users will not be able to access eServices, ESS, CS, or HR. For example:
• Students will not be able to enroll/drop classes, make payments, or view records.
• College offices will not be able to process payments, enrollments, drops, transcripts, or any other activity involving student records.

Additionally, multi-factor authentication (MFA) will be enabled for employees accessing ESS and eServices. Faculty and staff can expect to be prompted to authenticate with Duo Mobile when signing in to ESS or eServices after the maintenance is complete. If you have not previously set up MFA with Duo Mobile, please find instructions here.

Access to Canvas will not be interrupted.

Students/Staff Impacted: All students, faculty, and staff.

Effective Date and Time: Friday night, July 8th, 2022 at 11:30 p.m. until completion, but no later than 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 10th.

Action Requested: If you are experiencing issues signing in to ESS or eServices following the maintenance, please clear your browser’s cache. Instructions on how to clear cache is available here.

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